Saturday 26 May 2018

How to start your university life :)

Hello! First of all, I want to congratulate those that got an opportunity to pursue their study (go for it because opportunity only knock you once its now or never) and for those who didn't, don't give up. There are more opportunity for your out there! I still remember those first few days of orientation in 2016. During orientation and the early weeks of my first semester. I was so excited, inspired and totally overwhelmed. In UiTM, orientation we called it MDS which is Minggu Destini Siswa. Nonetheless, I had a great time and got a great start to my college years. Today, I am sharing a few tips on how to make the most of your first week at college and sharing a lil bit about my experience!

1) Explore your campus 

It's important for you to explore your campus supaya tak sesat! HAHAHA I went out to explore my campus. It was a great way to prepare for finding your classes later, but it was also just lovely to get to know your college and find some spots for you to lepak. So, don’t just do what’s on the orientation agenda also take some time to explore campus with a new friends. 

2) Explore your surroundings

I guess you already know which university you will going to enter right? so, explore the surroundings of your new place. Make sure you able to know all the access for you to go to anywhere and get know about what you have there and where to shopping! hehehe. It will be useful for the time for you to get away or want to try something new that you have there. 

3) Be Open (open-minded) 

I want to highlight this! For this is the most important one, remember that get into a college is a chance for you to start fresh. I was able to choose who i wanted to be and able to control how i interacted with others with the kindness and openness. It is really so important. 

4) Say YES to new experience but not to everything. 

In uni life, you will face so many challenges, experiences, opportunity and even a friend that can guide you to the right or wrong path. As for me, friend is the one that can influence you so much in uni life. You need to be wise in choosing when you will say yes. As for me, i love to try a new things. In my MDS's week i join Malam Aspirasi Seni as a dancer and with that i am actually get a new friends and learn a new things. Until now, I am so active with so much of activities like hosting, emceeing and modeling (sometimes) that give benefited to myself. Putting myself in these new situations helped me open up, meet new people, and feel more engaged with my campus. That was the best thing I could have done during my university life, and I can’t recommend it more! Put yourself in new situations and try new things. Make memories that will last. 

Its okay to be out of your comfort zone, but don't say yes on something that you don't want and interesting to do. Especially if you are not comfortable and happy to do especially when it come to things that concern your body, feelings and safety. Do what you love to do. 

5) Be nice to everyone and be friend with everyone. 

This is the time for you to learn new things and meet new people. The key is always be nice cause you will find new mate that come from different state and bring a different culture. Jangan bahan orang okay? Be neutral and jangan racist. 

That's all. I hope it will help you. Goodluck! 

Friday 18 May 2018

How to treat Tiny Bumps/Fungal Acne

Today i am going to share about how to treat fungal acne or more common to be known as tiny bumps and the scientific name is Malassezia Folliculitis. First of all, what i am going to share is based on my reading. If you want for more details, you can ask an expert :)

This is how the tiny bumps look like.

Usually, this kind of acne appear at the forehead and sometimes on the cheeks (if tumbuh dekat pipi, case macamni jadi biasa sebab hormone). This kind of acne breakout accompanied by itchyness with white little yellowish super tiny bump (the one yang you guys called it as 'jerawat pasir')

This tiny bumps not only happened to be appear on girls skin tau, kadang-kadang ada ja guys yang also have it. And basically, this tiny bumps will be at the oily area. Malassezia is the fungi that lives on everyone's skin but yang buatkan this fungi to active is because of the present of yeast. If the higher level of yeast in our skin. This can cause the inflammation which finally it appear as bumps (buatkan lagi banyak the tiny bumps) 

There are few causes: 

1) Excessive Sebum(Oil) Production 
2) Excessive Sweating (Kuat Berpeluh) 
3) Hot and Humid Environment (Biasanya sebab cuaca di Malaysia ni) 

Attention: The prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics(antibiotics that against gram-positive & gram-negative bacteria) can cause malassezia to growth. 

If you already suffer from this tiny bumps/fungal acne. You MUST avoid a few ingredient such as: 

- most fatty acid/oils (not only in foods but when you choose your skincare you must avoid this) 
But, oil also important for skin. I will tell you some of ingredients that good for skin, such as: 

- lauric acid 
- stearic acid 
- linoleic acid 
- oleic acid 

* all of above are free from fatty acid ^,^ 

Here is some recommendations treatment for you: 

1) If you are wearing shampoo/anti dandruff make sure the shampoo tidak kena your forehead or skin. Because in the shampoo usually have ketoconazole that can help to increase the tiny bumps.
2) You can treat it use Honey (Natural or Honey as an active ingredient in skincare) I suggest you to use Manuka Honey+tea tree Claymask from Freeman or organic honey.
3) Salicylic Acid as antibacterial and Anti-Fungal
4) Use some of skincare that have hydrating and moisturising agent.
5) Drink a lot of water and jaga hygiene!! Face towel jangan pakai untuk benda lain okies!!

Alright, so that's all I know for this tiny bumps. If you have a questions you can comment above or directly to my instagram DM for any recommendations of topic and questions. Thankyou! 

Thursday 17 May 2018

Girl behind the blog: Get to know me

Hi and Assalammualaikum, I've always been thinking to write up a blog as a medium for me to share anything especially with my followers that following me on instagram and twitter. (not got so many followers, but i believed there are few of them that love to know anything that i'll going to share :p) & finally today at 8:44PM i starting to write up a blog and inshaAllah will share many things ahead. First of all, happy fasting and salam ramadhan to all Muslim around the world. I am very grateful if you people want and excited to read what i am going to write up and share after this. Before this, i often sharing on instastory about my thought and anything especially about skincare and makeup. But i realized that, the medium is very limited and i got less satisfaction. Tonight, i decided to start writing up with hope that my writing with give benefit to me and to those who read it. InshaAllah.

A little about me:

Name // Nurul Asikin Binti Salleh and you may call me KEEN  (with no Y or H aahhh, people       always salah eja my name!)

Age // 20! to-be

Nationality // I am from Malaysia. & Born at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and grown up in Sandakan, Sabah.

What am i doing now? // Currently studying at UiTM Seri Iskandar, Perak. I took Diploma in Estate Management (Pengurusan Hartanah) sister bukan kerja di ladang ya nanti, don't get the estate term wrong! 

Mummy & Daddy 

Above is the picture of my big blessing in life, my parents. They are the people that brought me to this beautiful world. I thank them. I am pure sabahan, (Bumiputera Sabah) Im a proud sabahan always! But, here i want to tell you that my daddy name Salleh Bin Bakri and he is bangsa sungai not pure sebab his mom orang jawa (orang sungai, not live dekat sungai but its actually one of races in bumiputera sabah) and my mummy's name is Noraini Binti Julpae@Elvis and she is bangsa bajau and have a philippines blood in her cause my grandma and grandpa from my mom side is from philippines, But, i am orang sungai la obviously sebab followed my dad kan ;p 

What is the purpose of this blog? // 

Why i want to start writing up is because i love sharing. I want to share anything that I going through anything that i love and anything that i believed can give benefit to me and people that read it. cause sharing is caring! <3 hehe.