Friday 18 May 2018

How to treat Tiny Bumps/Fungal Acne

Today i am going to share about how to treat fungal acne or more common to be known as tiny bumps and the scientific name is Malassezia Folliculitis. First of all, what i am going to share is based on my reading. If you want for more details, you can ask an expert :)

This is how the tiny bumps look like.

Usually, this kind of acne appear at the forehead and sometimes on the cheeks (if tumbuh dekat pipi, case macamni jadi biasa sebab hormone). This kind of acne breakout accompanied by itchyness with white little yellowish super tiny bump (the one yang you guys called it as 'jerawat pasir')

This tiny bumps not only happened to be appear on girls skin tau, kadang-kadang ada ja guys yang also have it. And basically, this tiny bumps will be at the oily area. Malassezia is the fungi that lives on everyone's skin but yang buatkan this fungi to active is because of the present of yeast. If the higher level of yeast in our skin. This can cause the inflammation which finally it appear as bumps (buatkan lagi banyak the tiny bumps) 

There are few causes: 

1) Excessive Sebum(Oil) Production 
2) Excessive Sweating (Kuat Berpeluh) 
3) Hot and Humid Environment (Biasanya sebab cuaca di Malaysia ni) 

Attention: The prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics(antibiotics that against gram-positive & gram-negative bacteria) can cause malassezia to growth. 

If you already suffer from this tiny bumps/fungal acne. You MUST avoid a few ingredient such as: 

- most fatty acid/oils (not only in foods but when you choose your skincare you must avoid this) 
But, oil also important for skin. I will tell you some of ingredients that good for skin, such as: 

- lauric acid 
- stearic acid 
- linoleic acid 
- oleic acid 

* all of above are free from fatty acid ^,^ 

Here is some recommendations treatment for you: 

1) If you are wearing shampoo/anti dandruff make sure the shampoo tidak kena your forehead or skin. Because in the shampoo usually have ketoconazole that can help to increase the tiny bumps.
2) You can treat it use Honey (Natural or Honey as an active ingredient in skincare) I suggest you to use Manuka Honey+tea tree Claymask from Freeman or organic honey.
3) Salicylic Acid as antibacterial and Anti-Fungal
4) Use some of skincare that have hydrating and moisturising agent.
5) Drink a lot of water and jaga hygiene!! Face towel jangan pakai untuk benda lain okies!!

Alright, so that's all I know for this tiny bumps. If you have a questions you can comment above or directly to my instagram DM for any recommendations of topic and questions. Thankyou! 

1 comment:

  1. I hve that isuue so worried about it kindy suggest me something am from pakistan
